Limerick Chinese School was established four years ago. When the Chinese Gospel Church of Ireland successfully acquired a rental space in Limerick, one of its primary focus and task was to set up the Chinese school ministry. The evident lack of systematic academic opportunities for the Chinese children who are growing up in Ireland provided the church with both an opportunity and responsibility of inheriting this cultural mandate. It is also an avenue for the Church to contribute back to the Chinese community as it reaches out to them.
For the past few years, the University of Limerick has attracted a large number of students from China and Malaysia to further their studies in Ireland. These tertiary students account for the number of teachers needed in the school. To date, Limerick Chinese School has a total of five classes. From PinYin class to the first, second, third, and fourth grade. The cohort of 2019/2020 has 83 students with each class being assigned a form teacher and an assistant teacher. We look forward to opening more classes for the fifth and sixth grade students in time to come.
The Embassy of China provided the school with the curriculum and syllabus. There are two hours of class time every Saturday, three assessments every year, and the academic year follows the Irish school timetable.